People get panic when a decision about the credit decision goes wrong. There are many ways to deal with an inappropriate credit decision. When you receive a letter from the benefit office, you can ask the office to explain the decision and also to reconsider the decision. If you are still not happy about reconsidered decision, you can appeal against e decision.
Deadlines of decision:
Whenever you disagree with a credit decision, you have one month’s duration to respond to it. Once you receive your credit decision, you have thirty days time to ask for an explanation, requesting for reconsideration or to appeal.
Once you get the reconsidered decision, if you are unsatisfied, you can start appealing immediately through an independent tribunal. However a late appeal will be considered when there is a genuine reason for the delay in appealing. It is not possible if the appeal is late more than thirteen months.
Not applicable:
When you ask for explanation and reconsideration of every aspect, few of the benefit decisions cannot be appealed. It is not possible for you to appeal on matters like budgeting loans, community care grants and crisis no credit check loans etc. the decision letter may include the exact information regarding the features that are not applicable for appeal.
The process of appealing:
You can find the complete information about how to appeal against a wrong credit decision. The process requires filling in an application form provided in the leaflet. Fill up the form and send it to the credit benefit office dealing with your claim. You can also collect the appeal form leaflet at your social security offices like job and benefit offices. These leaflets are also available online and hence you can download the form from the Department for Social Development websites.
The tribunals hear the appeals. It should be noted that there are two kinds of tribunal hearing. You should notify the tribunal specifically for hearing your appeal the first type of tribunal is oral hearing. In case of oral hearing and your representative are allowed to discuss your appeal. The other kind of tribunal hearing is paper hearing. In this type of hearing, you and your representative need not attend the hearing and your written evidence will speak for you and the case will be decided based on this written evidence.
Deadlines of decision:
Whenever you disagree with a credit decision, you have one month’s duration to respond to it. Once you receive your credit decision, you have thirty days time to ask for an explanation, requesting for reconsideration or to appeal.
Once you get the reconsidered decision, if you are unsatisfied, you can start appealing immediately through an independent tribunal. However a late appeal will be considered when there is a genuine reason for the delay in appealing. It is not possible if the appeal is late more than thirteen months.
Not applicable:
When you ask for explanation and reconsideration of every aspect, few of the benefit decisions cannot be appealed. It is not possible for you to appeal on matters like budgeting loans, community care grants and crisis no credit check loans etc. the decision letter may include the exact information regarding the features that are not applicable for appeal.
The process of appealing:
You can find the complete information about how to appeal against a wrong credit decision. The process requires filling in an application form provided in the leaflet. Fill up the form and send it to the credit benefit office dealing with your claim. You can also collect the appeal form leaflet at your social security offices like job and benefit offices. These leaflets are also available online and hence you can download the form from the Department for Social Development websites.
The tribunals hear the appeals. It should be noted that there are two kinds of tribunal hearing. You should notify the tribunal specifically for hearing your appeal the first type of tribunal is oral hearing. In case of oral hearing and your representative are allowed to discuss your appeal. The other kind of tribunal hearing is paper hearing. In this type of hearing, you and your representative need not attend the hearing and your written evidence will speak for you and the case will be decided based on this written evidence.